Saturday, September 1, 2007

Softimage Training Tour .. the beginning.


I am in Vancouver this weekend, preparing to leave for Seoul, Korea on Monday morning. I am meeting my colleagues Nikki Bridgman, Jeff Wilson and Yoshiyuki Watanabe on Tuesday, along with Thomas Kang, Nick Hore and Damian Gray from Animal Logic and Remi McGill from Blur for a series of seminars hosted by CORE, our channel partner in Korea. It's going to be a GREAT week!

After Seoul, Nikki and I are going to Shanghai and Mumbai to host a series of training seminars with our new training material designed to help professional 3D artists make the transition to XSI from other packages.

Since this is going to be a whirlwind, international tour, I am going to be blogging and posting pictures from the trip. Hope you enjoy.. please feel free to add comments.

1 comment:

Poi said...

Can you send me information about the Mumbi training session please? I will be in India at that time and im just a short train ride away. Just want more info about location and time thanks :)