This product launch was probably the most significant one we have ever done, as XSI 7 offers up ICE, a new platform for creating outstanding visual effects and 3D tools. One of the main features of ICE is that it offers up the chance for a collaborative workflow between artists and technical directors, and the same was true for the actual launch of the product.
Work on the launch of XSI 7 started several months ago. Shortly after GDC, we held an internal training session with our application engineers from around the world, including our training partners Digital Tutors, as well as trainers Adam Sale and Craig Slagel. It was an intense 4 days, and it started off the ICE training and launch prep.
In April, my work for launching XSI 7 kicked into high gear. Part of what I do is work with technology partners to showcase how their hardware can benefit from SOFTIAMGE|XSI, so I spent the week of NAB in Vegas having meeting after meeting, planning our launch events & SIGGRAPH activities. XSI 7 is such a fantastic showcase for the multicore systems that are available today, we named our demo character "Mulcor" after Multi-Core. (I like the fact that he has an 'Alienbrain,' the name of another one of our products, but no one else seems to find this as funny as I do)
Our partners really came through for us for our launch. HP & Intel, along with Microsoft and NVIDIA are supporting us for the worldwide kick off of XSI 7. We have events on july 17th in NYC and London, and on that same day we will be hosting a pre-recorded on-line event with one of our top media partners. I promise info is coming very soon! I am actually off in a few hours to head to San Francisco to shoot the event. Photos will come in a few days.
For SIGGRAPH, we have a lot going on, but what I am most excited about is our User Event on Aug 12th. Instead of the traditional format of product presentations in a theatre setting, we are hosting a visual, multi-media event that later will turn into what promises to be one of the best Softimage parties ever.. A key element for us is that the Softimage staff will have the entire night to mingle and chat with customers, friends and partners, instead of an hour before and after. This event will be a celebration of ICE and all the hard work our team put into creating the technology. We are very thankful for the support we got to host this from Dell & ATI, along with Microsoft and Intel. If you are going to SIGGRAPH, trust me when I say this.. do not miss this party.
Time to head out, it's 5am and I have a flight to catch very soon.
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